All fees are subject to change by Deerfield Township Board.


 REZONING                              $800 If approved third publication will be assessed to petitioner            (Advertised and Letters)


VARIANCE                               $500 No money returned to petitioner.  (Advertised and Letters)


SPECIAL LAND USE               $500 No money returned to petitioner (Advertised and Letters)


EASEMENT                              No charge.  Special Land Use Application must be filled out


PRIVATE ROAD                       $300 No money returned to petitioner.  Requires engineering


SITE PLAN REVIEW               $500 No letters.  May require additional fees.


TEMPORARY TRAILER       No Charge for application.  $2,000 bond.  No letters.


SPLIT FEE                                $60 for each parcel number.  Needs survey.


CEMETERY LOTS                   Residents $350  per plot.  $1,400 for full lot. 


GRAVE OPENING                   Regular $650, Infant $250, Cremation $250


HALL RENTAL                        Community Room, 233 people, $600 + $150 deposit for 7 hours.

                                                   North Room, 97 people, $300 + $150 deposit for 7 hours.

                                                   Senior Room, 50 people, $200 + $150 deposit for 7 hours.

                                                   All rooms, $300,000 liability insurance required